Emily Pitre
2025 Desk Calendar
$ 20.00
4x6 desk calendar with standEach month includes a saint with a feast day in the coordinating month, at the end...
Many Marys Coffee Mug
Sold Out $ 15.00
Hail Mary, Full of Grace. The Different Apperitions of Mary: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Our...
Many Marys Keychain
$ 8.50
Hail Mary, Full of Grace. The Different Apperitions of Mary: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Our...
Many Mary's Towel
Sold Out $ 16.00
Hail Mary, Full of Grace. The Different Apperitions of Mary: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Our...
Guardian Angel Keychain
$ 8.50
Guardian Angel Feast Day: October 2 "From infancy to death human life is surrounded by their (the angels) watchful care...
Many Mary Notepad
Sold Out $ 11.00
This handy notepad is 4 inches by 6 inches making it the perfect size for note taking, making grocery lists,...
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Keychain
$ 8.50
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast Day: July 16 Patroness to Chile, Carmelite order, protection from danger, and deliverance from...
Many Mary's Sticker
$ 4.50
Hail Mary, Full of Grace. The Different Apperitions of Mary: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Our...
Holy Family Towel
Sold Out $ 16.00
Holy Family Feast Day: the Sunday after Christmas, or December 30 The Holy Family is depicted as Jesus, Mary, and...
St. Gianna Beretta Molla Keychain
$ 8.50
St. Gianna Beretta Molla Two inch acrylic key chain Feast Day: April 28 Patroness of mothers, physicians, and unborn children...
St. Therese of Lisieux Journal
$ 15.00
St. Therese of Lisieux Image 120 page 6x9-inch lined journal Feast Day: October 1 Patroness of Missionaries St. Therese of...
St. Genevieve Sticker
$ 4.50
St. Genevieve Feast Day: January 3 Patroness of young girls, godmothers, Paris At only 7 years old, St. Genevieve met...
St. Faustina Keychain
$ 8.50
St. Faustina Feast Day: October 5 Patroness of mercy On February 22, 1931, Jesus visited St. Faustina. He revealed himself...
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Keychain
$ 8.50
Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Feast Day: December 8 Patroness of United States Our Lady of Immaculate Conception is a...
Holy Family Keychain
$ 8.50
Holy Family Feast Day: the Sunday after Christmas, or December 30 The Holy Family is depicted as Jesus, Mary, and...
Guardian Angel Prayer Card
$ 2.00
Print designed by local artist Emily Pitre 4.25 x 2.5 -
3 Hearts Prayer Card
$ 2.00
Print designed by local artist Emily Pitre 4.25 x 2.5 -
Many Mary's Sweatshirt
$ 48.00
Our Many Mary Design, filled with 9 different names of Mary (Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Immaculate...
Our Lady of Grace Prayer Card
$ 2.00
Hail Mary prayer on the backPrint designed by local artist Emily Pitre 4.25 x 2.5
Many Mary Acrylic Framed Print {4x10}
Sold Out $ 42.00
Many Mary Design, filled with 9 different names of Mary (Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Immaculate Conception,...
Holy Family Keychain {new}
$ 8.50
Holy Family Feast Day: the Sunday after Christmas, or December 30 The Holy Family is depicted as Jesus, Mary, and...
St. Joseph the Most Chaste Keychain
$ 8.50
St. Joseph the Most Chaste Feast Day: March 19 Patron of the Universal Church, unborn children, fathers, workers, travelers, immigrants,...
St. John Baptist de la Salle Keychain
$ 8.50
St. John Baptiste de la Salle Feast day: April 7 Patron of teachers St. John Baptiste de la Salle, after...
St. Padre Pio Keychain
$ 8.50
St. Padre Pio of Pietrelina Feast Day: September 23rd Patron of Civil Defense Volunteers, Stress Relief, and Adolescents.Print designed by local artist, Emily...
St. Anne Sticker
$ 4.50
St. Anne Feast Day: July 26 Patroness of Canada, women in labor, grandparents, minors, mothers St. Anne, married to St....
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Sticker
$ 4.50
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Feast Day: January 4 Patroness of Catholic schools, widows, and seafarers.Art designed by local artist, Emily Pitre3" water, scratch, and...
St. John Baptist De la Salle Sticker
$ 4.50
St. John Baptiste de la Salle Feast day: April 7 Patron of teachers St. John Baptiste de la Salle, after...
St. Gemma Galgani Sticker
$ 4.50
3" water, scratch, and sunlight resistant sticker St. Gemma Galgani, the Flower of Lucca Feast Day: April 11 Patroness of...
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Print
$ 16.00
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Feast Day: January 4 Patroness of Catholic schools, widows, and seafarers.Art designed by local artist, Emily Pitre 5x7 print on...
St. Therese of Lisieux Prayer Towel
Sold Out $ 16.00
St. Therese of Lisieux Feast Day: October 1 Patroness of Missionaries St. Therese of Lisieux, also known as the “Little...
St. Catherine of Siena Sticker
$ 4.50
3" water, scratch, and light resistance die-cut sticker Feast Day: April 29 Patroness of fire prevention, illness, the United States, Italy,...
Monstrance Sticker
$ 4.50
3" water, scratch, and sunlight resistant stickerMonstrance Our Lord instituted the Eucharist in order to give us a constant reminder...
St. Sebastian Keychain
$ 8.50
St. Sebastian Feast Day: January 20 Patron of athletes, archers, and a holy death St. Sebastian was a soldier in...
St. Cecilia Sticker
$ 4.50
St. Cecilia Two inch acrylic key chain Feast Day: November 22 Patroness of musicians St. Cecilia came from a rich...
St. Cecilia Keychain
$ 8.50
St. Cecilia 2-inch acrylic keychain Feast Day: November 22 Patroness of musicians St. Cecilia came from a rich family however,...
Holy Family Journal
$ 15.00
Holy Family 120 page 6x9-inch lined journal Feast Day: the Sunday after Christmas, or December 30 The Holy Family is...
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Sticker
$ 4.50
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast Day: July 16 Patroness to Chile, Carmelite order, protection from danger, and deliverance from...
St. John Paul II Keychain
$ 8.50
St. John Paul II Feast Day: October 22 Patron of World Youth Day Born as Karol J. Wojtyla, St. Pope...
St. Pius X Print
$ 16.00
St. Pius X Feast Day: August 21 Patron of First Communicants St. Pius X was the two hundred fifty-ninth pope....
St. John Baptiste de la Salle Print
$ 16.00
St. John Baptiste de la Salle Feast day: April 7 Patron of teachers St. John Baptiste de la Salle, after...
St. Mary Magdalene Keychain
$ 8.50
St. Mary Magdalene Feast Day: July 22 Patroness of converts, women, penitents, contemplation and against sexual temptation According to tradition,...
St. Therese of Lisieux Print
$ 16.00
St. Therese of Lisieux Feast Day: October 1 Patroness of Missionaries St. Therese of Lisieux, also known as the “Little...
Guardian Angel {Pink} Print
$ 16.00
Guardian Angel Feast Day: October 2 "From infancy to death human life is surrounded by their (the angels) watchful care...
Holy Family Print
$ 16.00
Holy Family Feast Day: the Sunday after Christmas, or December 30 The Holy Family is depicted as Jesus, Mary, and...
St. Teresa of Calcutta Sticker
$ 4.50
St. Teresa of Calcutta Feast Day: September 5 Patroness of World Youth Day St. Teresa of Calcutta was born in...
St. Michael the Archangel Sticker
$ 4.50
St. Michael the Archangel Feast Day: September 29 Patron of soldiers, doctors, mariners, police, and sickness St. Michael isn’t the...
St. Therese of Lisieux Sticker
$ 4.50
St. Therese of Lisieux Feast Day: October 1 Patroness of Missionaries St. Therese of Lisieux, also known as the “Little...
Our Lady of Guadalupe Keychain
$ 8.50
Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day: December 12 Patroness of the Americas Our Lady appeared to St. Juan Diego in...