St. Gemma Galgani Sticker
Sold Out $ 4.50
3" water, scratch, and sunlight resistant sticker
St. Gemma Galgani, the Flower of Lucca
Feast Day: April 11
Patroness of students, pharmacists, against temptations, against the death of parents, against tuberculosis
This Italian mystic was often referred to as the “Daughter of Passion” for her connection to the Passion of Christ. After her miraculous healing, she promised to spend an hour of prayer with the Lord on Thursday evenings. During this time, she would experience the wounds of the stigmata on her hands and feet, which would remain until Friday or Saturday. St. Gemma, despite her poor health was frequently found in a state of ecstasy and was believed to have levitated. She died of tuberculosis with a smile which remained on her lips even after death.