Emily Pitre

St. Dymphna Sticker

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St. Dymphna

5x7 print on paper

Feast Day: May 15

Patroness of runaways, mental disorders, neurological disorders, victims of incest, victims of sexual assault, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders

St. Dymphna was the daughter of a pagan king and a Christian woman. St. Dymphna’s mother died when she was only 14. Very soon after her mother’s death, her father experienced great mental distress in the wake of his wife’s demise. Her father was advised to marry again to overcome his grief. He had the great idea to propose marriage to his daughter, Dymphna, since she looked so much like her mother. In haste, she fled to a town in Belgium. While there, she utilized her wealth to serve the poor of the area. Staying true to her vow of virginity, she continued to refuse her father’s marriage proposals for an incestuous relationship. The king was so enraged, he ordered for St. Dymphna to be beheaded. St. Dymphna was named patroness of mental health due to her father’s great mental affliction.

Print designed by local artist, Emily Pitre
3" water, scratch, and sunlight resistant sticker⁣